Transdermal magnesium is SPAaahhmazing! revised



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Soaking in mineral and magnesium rich water has been around for ages. The Romans knew it kept us strong. We could all benefit from a little more mineral bath time.


Mighty Magnesium is the mineral to beat when it comes to the number of reasons to take it! Naturally we should be getting it from our food, the ground, the sea but most of us are too busy to really fully benefit from those natural sources. Supplementing it is common and easy. Some may soak in Epsom salts, but there are even better ways to get a more natural daily dose. 


Magnesium directs over 300 functions in the body! That’s a LOT! Most of us are deficient, in part, because our soil is not as rich in minerals as it used to be. We just are not getting enough in our diet.   When we consider which functions magnesium masters over, it’s no wonder we see the familiar symptoms of magnesium deficiency all around us.  The list includes muscle tension, (the best-known reason to take magnesium) high blood pressure, hypertension, insomnia, constipation, anxiety, depression and the list goes on. There are so many reasons to take magnesium you might say it’s the granddaddy of minerals! 


“…Magnesium is essential for maintaining normal cellular and organ function. In-adequate magnesium balance is associated with various disorders, such as skeletal deformities, cardiovascular diseases, and metabolic syndrome…”  


“...Recent studies have suggested magnesium supplementation could potentially support chronic pain conditions, such as complex regional pain syndrome, chronic low back pain, and neuropathic pain…”


"...An alternative method of perhaps attaining recommended magnesium intakes might be through topical application. Current formulations include magnesium oils and trans-dermal creams, from which the magnesium may be absorbed across the skin and into the systemic circulation..."


There are many forms of magnesium with varying benefits. It’s worth doing some research on the many forms and the pros and cons associated. My tummy friendly choice is magnesium citrate internally. An important albeit strange way to ensure you’re getting the right amount is to monitor your bowel tolerance to it. Yes, if you find you have loose bowels, just take a little bit less next time! 


“…A common unpleasant side effect of oral magnesium supplementation is diarrhea. By applying magnesium oil on to the skin, one could minimize such undesirable side effects of oral magnesium preparations….”


A popular, safe and natural way to get magnesium is topically. Also known as transdermal absorption, absorption through the skin is said to be optimal to internal supplementation. Why? First, because our skin soaks it up like a sponge! (why wouldn’t it?!). Second, because many of us suffer from stomach issues when we take magnesium supplements. 

A study conducted by academicians at the University of Hertfordshire looked at transdermal magnesium. 


”… The findings prove that magnesium supplements applied in a topical manner are the quickest means of getting this uber-important mineral into the blood…”


Many of us have compromised digestion and it’s worth noting that stress manifests in the stomach. Since magnesium helps us manage stress, those folks with stress presenting in the tummy really need to take it! Therefore, a stressed person who wants to add magnesium to help manage their tension might have a difficult time ahead. When I think of the young people today who are stressed from the daily high-speed social pressure and scrolling and dopamine, they are subject to at such a young age, I wish they were all taking magnesium every day! I also think of all the young girls, and boys too, who I know with stress and stomach issues and I wish they were all taking magnesium topically every day!! 


Soaking in Magnesium chloride flakes from the sea is aaahmazing with no risk of tummy upset! Show a young person how and when to soak in magnesium chloride flakes before bedtime and you have taught them about 

  • Self love 

  • Self-soothing

  • Preparing to a good night sleep

  • Proactive steps to manage health and stress


Magnesium chloride is mother nature’s Epsom salts.


 These flakes are made in the sea while Epsom salts are made in a lab. Although they may be slightly more expensive, they are WAY better absorbed and effective. A deep dose of effective magnesium chloride is a remarkably relaxing treat. How to get it? Well, you can get a magnesium chloride bath salt (or foot soak!) and soak all that tension away!  I prefer to use magnesium chloride topically because the skin sucks it right up with no risk of tummy trouble. Magnesium chloride flakes help calm the anxious mind, the tired body and promote deep restful sleep. 


It is worth mentioning that the long string of issues caused by a lack of magnesium are foundational. They are also closely connected to each other. 

For example, let’s look at restless leg syndrome. If a person has restless legs at night, they likely are not sleeping, they are also therefore likely stressed due to lack of proper rest.  Also, if someone is stressed by circumstances, they are likely not sleeping and feeling muscle tension (perhaps restless legs!) This is an example of how sometimes symptoms and causes can get intertwined. What we can assume however is that in this instance, magnesium can help all of these issues! (and I’d wager the person is deficient). The same can be said about heart health, blood pressure and anxiety for example. These symptoms of magnesium deficiency are closely tied to each other and can present multiple ways in the body – but all pointing to the same issue. 


Magnesium helps the body relax, rest, exhale, calm and recover. When we are unable to fully complete these essential tasks, stress builds to get our attention! The body is designed with warning signals included and it’s great to learn how to spot them and give the body what it needs. 


In our high speed, high stress, plugged in life of stress, having magnesium as your ally is a game changer. So many of us are ‘white knuckling’ it through our daily lives if not all the time, then much of the time. We all suffer stressful times sometimes. Magnesium is here to help! 

Be Rooted Botanicals magnesium products.

Magnesium can help you get the deep rest your body and mind need so muscle tension and mental tension is kept at bay so YOU can be YOU! Shop here!


A bit more from Harvard...